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3-5 quick, cheap & healthy power snacks

April 11, 2013

In our day-to-day lives, there are always things that have to be done; usually to a deadline, leaving very little time to ourselves to even consider consuming nutritious food. These factors are detrimental for our lifestyle. We know that eating healthy food should be an important factor throughout our day for mental clarity and energy; (Holford, P. Optimum Nutrition for the mind, 2003). Healthy snacks are even more important because they set us up for the main meals; if we eat sugary or carbohydrate-packed foods, it can lead to us continuing with this food choice or feel too fatigued to prepare a healthier option later.

Choosing the right healthy nutritious snacks does not have to be time-consuming; they can be easy to prepare and still taste great. A protein based snack will ultimately fill you up for longer rather than something predominately carbohydrate based. For this reason, I personally always have a boiled egg as a quick go-to snack; this is in combination to eating a healthy salad of raw spinach and tomatoes, drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil or walnut oil. This simple snack covers all the basics of a small snack consisting on protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. This mix of macronutrients slows down the release of nutrients and ultimately filling you up for longer; (research by Rosebud Roberts, M.B., Ch.B. at the Mayo Clinic epidemiologist).

Another great combination is a piece of fruit; banana, apple for example, combined with a piece of cheese and a handful of nuts. No preparation required and can be carried with you very easily. Instead of the fruit I often have a protein shake with nuts.. unfortunately too many people judge you for it and think you are a freak.. not realising they are the freaks for not respecting their bodies! 🙂 For something more discreet at work, try a protein bar and have the nuts right before or after. If you buy them in bulk, you can get them for about £1.50 each.

If you are home on the weekend, then a quick warm snack can be tuna fritters; all you require is one whole egg, small tin of tuna, salt and pepper; mix together and fry in a non-stick frying on both sides. Combine this with either a salad or a piece of toast.

For a healthy sweet snack, banana ice-cream is full of flavour without the unnecessary fats. Simply put a peeled and sliced banana in a freezer bag in the freezer for an hour then add to a blender and blitz for a few seconds. You can either eat as it is, or add a tablespoon of natural yogurt and a teaspoon of honey to the banana ice-cream to make it even creamier. I always buy bananas and any that are overripe, goes straight in my freezer ready for banana ice-cream when I’m in need of a sweet treat. Snacks should be fuss-free and satisfying and still allow you to stay on the move.. or of course, when you have them in between sex 🙂

From → Eat & Drink, Health

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