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Why Men Love to Masturbate

March 18, 2014

Why is masturbation so popular amongst men of all ages? Do they simply need something to occupy their time? Or, it is perhaps due to the fact that idle hands are the devil’s playground?

There have been many theories over the years that have attempted to answer this decidedly uncomfortable question. Still, some recent findings have actually called into question many of our preconceived notions about this art of singular pleasure. In fact, you might be very surprised at what modern science has found. Let’s have a further look at this “sensitive” area.

Survival of the Fittest?

We all know that evolution still plays a massive role in our modern lives. The general rule of thumb is that activities rooted deep in our brains will still tend to dominate our behaviour; regardless of technological advancements. So, it should only stand to reason that male masturbation is one of the most basic of instincts. However, this is due to much more than the feeling of pleasure alone.

It has been found that regularly masturbating is actually healthy for the sperm. This is caused by a “cleansing” of older sperm and the subsequent production of new sperm upon the inevitable release (think of a stagnant pool of water that will go “sour” after a time).

now it all makes sense!

now it all makes sense!

Research conducted in 2009 at the University of Wollongong showed that a daily orgasm irrespective whether through masturbation or sex improves the overall quality of sperm on the 8th day compared to the widely practised approach of two to three days abstinence.

Maximising the quality of male semen quality in the run up to ovulation (or donation) day has important implications for couples attempting to conceive either naturally or via artificially.

research in 2009 showed that one daily orgasm for one week (either through masturbation or sex) improves the overall quality of sperm on the 8th day compared to the traditional approach of three days abstinence1.

Maximising the quality of male sperm has important implications for couples attempting to conceive either naturally or via artificial insemination.

– See more at:

research in 2009 showed that one daily orgasm for one week (either through masturbation or sex) improves the overall quality of sperm on the 8th day compared to the traditional approach of three days abstinence1.

Maximising the quality of male sperm has important implications for couples attempting to conceive either naturally or via artificial insemination.

– See more at:

research in 2009 showed that one daily orgasm for one week (either through masturbation or sex) improves the overall quality of sperm on the 8th day compared to the traditional approach of three days abstinence1.

Maximising the quality of male sperm has important implications for couples attempting to conceive either naturally or via artificial insemination.

– See more at:

So, the term “cleansing the pipes” may actually have viable benefits!

Through frequent mastubation “fresh” sperm is less likely to be genetically damaged. In turn, this will lead to fewer birth defects and from an evolutionary point of view, a propagation of the species as a whole. Of course, this was during ancient times; might male masturbation well have saved humanity?! It sounds like the perfect excuse… 🙂

The Illusion of Touch

Another hint that masturbation is very much more than skin deep has to do with the arousal centres of the primeval, old (from an evolutionary perspective) brain. They are very deep within areas that have been present for millions of years (this may also explain why other primates will also masturbate; we “share” similar, older parts).

This also illustrates that masturbation is driven by instinctual and even unconscious impulses. A striking example of this can be seen in what is known as in-utero masturbation. In a very real sense, a fetus will “go through the motions” of masturbation.

Of course, this child’s brain is not developed enough to realise the significance of the action. This further highlights the fact that there may be much more involved with these impulses than conscious thought or the average male imagination alone.

The fact that paraplegics can still be mentally stimulated to the point of orgasm after having no sensation below the waist also points to the fact that the deep areas of the brain are literally “hard wired” to perform these tasks. This is likely one of the reasons why masturbation is a very hard habit to break for men except under only the most extreme of conditions.

Finally, for the female readers, there are benefits for you too. The University of Sydney’s public health department lists numerous ways how masturbation will improve your health, irrespective of whether you are male of female.

So, it seems that there is nothing wrong with masturbation and on the contrary, we may have some intrepid cavemen to thank for our very existence today!

From → Health, Sex

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