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The Benefits of Healthy Testosterone Levels for Men

September 6, 2013

For men to stay in good physical and mental health, optimal testosterone levels (T levels) are very important. Essentially, testosterone is part of a feedback loop; a healthy body supported by a good diet and regular excise will help to maintain healthy testosterone levels, which in turn helps to sustain a healthy body.

testosterone declines with ageT levels do vary between individuals and decline with age. However, the normal range falls between 300 nanograms per decilitre (ng/dL) and 1000 ng/dL. This androgenic hormone is involved in whole range of functions within the body. If testosterone concentrations are too low or too high, it can lead to an array of health issues.

Testosterone Benefits

Boost Heart Health: Studies have shown that sub-optimal T levels can increase the risk of developing heart disease[1], while excessive T levels can elevate the threat of heart attacks[2]. Most of this research is preliminary, although there’s a general consensus that healthy T levels are important for maintaining a healthy heart.

Reduces Body Fat: Testosterone is really important for maintaining a lean body mass. This hormone helps to regulate fat, glucose and insulin metabolism, keeping the body in-check.

Declining T levels reduce the effectiveness of these physiological processes and this increases fat storage and enhances the growth of adipose tissue. This creates a negative feedback loop. As fatty tissue accumulates this further decreases T levels because it leads to the conversion of testosterone into estrogens.

The good news is that by increasing T levels, it’s possible to break this negative cycle[3]. Combining exercise and a healthy diet with optimal T levels can significantly help with weight loss in men.

testosterone in the male body

testosterone in the male body

Enhancing Muscle Mass: Testosterone is the key hormone linked to increasing muscle mass and strength in men. Testosterone binds to receptors on muscle cells to amplify the signals in muscle tissues that stimulate protein synthesis, leading to muscle growth. Testosterone also increases the concentration of growth hormones that further enhance muscle formation through increased protein synthesis. Having healthy testosterone levels improves the muscle to fat ratio, keeping the body in good shape.

Strengthen Bone: Studies have linked low testosterone levels with reduced bone density[4,5]. Testosterone is involved in stimulating bone mineralization and decreasing bone resorption. This helps to preserve bone mass and safeguard against diseases such as osteoporosis.

Enhance Libido & Sexual Function: As the key sex hormone in men, the first signs of low T levels are often erectile dysfunction and poor libido. A healthy sex drive and strong erections depend on optimal testosterone levels.

Alzheimer’s Prevention: Preliminary research suggests that testosterone may have an important role in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease[6,7,8]. This isn’t surprising given that testosterone has a positive impact on cognitive ability, especially in older men.

Combat Depression: Low testosterone levels have been linked to depression among men[9]. Researchers are yet to determine whether depression results in sub-normal T levels, or if it’s low T levels that cause depression. Nevertheless, men undergoing treatment for low T levels report an improvement in emotional well-being once optimal testosterone levels have been restored[10].

Supporting Optimal Testosterone Levels

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) elevates Testosterone

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) elevates Testosterone

Clearly testosterone is an extremely important hormone for maintaining good overall physical and mental health in men. Consequently, it’s essential that men pay close attention to their T levels, especially as they age.

Common symptoms of low T levels include a decreased sex drive, depressed mood, erectile dysfunction, and problems with memory and concentration. Although hormone replacement therapy may be an option for low T levels, there are plenty of other measures men can take to naturally boost testosterone concentrations.

High-energy workouts and strength training can help to elevate testosterone levels. This is especially important for overweight men who tend to naturally have low T levels. Regular, intense exercise will also improve insulin resistance, glucose metabolism and fat burning mechanisms, improving the muscle to fat ratio.

Ensuring that the body has all its nutritional needs meet will help to retain optimal testosterone levels. Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, essential fatty acids and branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) are particularly important for supporting healthy T levels.

Research has shown that regularly getting 7 to 8 hours sleep each night is essential for supporting healthy T levels[11]. Minimising stress levels will also improve testosterone concentrations.

Maintaining optimum T levels generates a positive feedback cycle that supports overall health and well-being. If you’re worried that your testosterone levels are not what they should be, it’s important to consult a doctor and take the necessary steps to properly balance this essential male hormone.

From → Health

One Comment
  1. homeremedies454 permalink

    It’s one of the best article for Normal Testosterone Levels In Men By Age

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